They are all at that pre-teen age and many of them have very strong Type-A dominate personalities. This makes for great leaders, but, if misguided, can also create conflict and tension. The later had become a problem, so my wonderful principal, Ebony, decided to have a Tarde de Chicas (Girls' Afternoon) complete with manicures, games, cookie baking, pizza, and a sweet little charla (talk) about friendship and conflict.
Ebony lead the first half of the charla and talked to the girls about the importance of having friends and of being a good friend, and I took the second half and talked with them about what to do when conflict arises. To help them better confront conflict, I gave them 5 steps (Calm Down, Think About What's Really Bothering You, Talk and Share How You Feel, Listen to How the Other Person Feels, and Come to a Conclusion) that I found at
I saw the first fruits of our labor in English class last Wednesday. They all came into the classroom, sat at different tables and began complaining about eachother. I immediately asked if they had gone through the 5 steps to deal with conflict and I could almost see the lightbulbs go on as they said, "Oh no! We haven't, but we will!" Woohoo!
Here are some pics from our fun afternoon together:
Ebony and Me with the girls who were able to make it
The girls with their cookies...yum yum!
Playing was the first time for all of them!
Pizza for dinner :o)
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