Saturday, May 24, 2014

Approaching Year's End

We're closing in on the end of the school year (13 days left...but who's counting? ha!) I don't want to speak too soon, but I've been really impressed with my students' work ethic this close to the finish line. They are still soaking up everything I'm trying to cram into their brains before I send them on to 5th grade, and they've even gone so far as to cheer when I tell them our plans for the day. Who are these kids?!

Enjoy the following pics and videos :)

3 of my boys were having a hard time getting along, so I kept them in at recess one day and made them play some team-building activities. One of the boys asked, "Ms. Christine, did you make us do this so that we would become buddies?" Can't get anything past them!

The instructions were to write where you saw signs of weathering and erosion outside of the school.

"Ms. Christine, come look at what I can do with my hair today!"

Observe the student on the right. He's doing a pretty good impression of how I feel at the end of some days!

I told them they could decide the end-of-the-year classroom decorations. "We want a beach with a coconut tree and we'll each decorate a coconut!"

We just finished our Geology unit, and I taught them this song to help them remember the 3 types of rocks (shout out to Steph B. for the arm motion ideas!)

Please pray for continued focus so that we can finish strong!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Students are Stinkin' Awesome

Here's what we've done the past 4 months in 4th grade:

Metamorphosis. Multiplication. Verbs. Classification. Division Facts. Adjectives. Endangered Species. Long Division. Possessive Nouns. Fossils. More Long Division. Spelling Words. Habitats. Long Division With Remainders. The Water Cycle. Multiplication Competition. CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! The 4 Types of Sentences. Fractions. Kinetic and Potential Energy. Fragments and Complete Sentences. More Fractions. Thermal Energy.

I had the chance to talk with many of you over the holidays, and it was exciting to share with you just how much I love teaching this year! At the end of (most) school days, I question whether or not I'm really doing my job because I'm having so much fun. I truly feel like I'm operating out of a core part in me that was formed by my Creator. He has been so gracious to place me in an environment where I can thrive as an educator and, in turn, help my students thrive as learners.     

I count it a blessing and also a great responsibility to be a part of molding them into people of character. Daily I am blown away by the decisions they make. I see them choose honesty over deceit, take responsibility for their actions, selflessly consider their classmates over themselves, and do their personal best not only because they want to make good grades, but because they have a passion to serve the Lord in all that they do.   

The Lord is also using them to teach, push, and grow me towards the woman I am to become. Here are some pics of a few specific kiddos along with a caption of what he/she has or is currently teaching me.

She teaches me to know what my personal best is and never give any less. She makes a 100 on almost EVERY assignment/quiz/exam!

He teaches me not to take myself too seriously. All he has to do is look at me like this and I crack up.

She teaches me to set the bar high and expect a lot from myself. Her hope for this year is to make an A+ in math!

He's teaching me to have patience. Lots and lots and LOTS of patience ;)

She's teaching me to love people well. She gives the BEST hugs and always has a fun story to share.

Long story short, they're all pretty stinkin' awesome!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fourth Grade Follies

In the past month and a half, we've fallen into a routine in 4th grade and know what to expect from one another. One thing they are super good at is helping me keep my pride in check, because any time I forget something or make a mistake, they are quick to point it out. Even though most of them were born the year I graduated high school (what?!?!) and I'm 18-19 years their senior, I sometimes wonder if we'd all be better off if they were my teachers instead of vice versa. Here are some of my favorite examples of them calling me out:

Place Value

Me: After the millions place value comes the trillions.

Student: Yeah, and after that is the billions!

Me: (pause)...ummm...actually, I just said that wrong. After the millions is the billions then the trillions.

(awkward laughter)

 Math exams!

Date Part 1

Me: Write the date at the top of your paper. It is written on the chalkboard.

Student: Ms. Christine!

Me: I hear someone calling out my name. If you want to talk to me, class, what should you do?

Class: Raise your hand!

Me: That's right. (casually looks around classroom and sees student with hand up) Oh! Yes, do you have a question?

Student: It's not a question, but you wrote that the year is 2019 instead of 2013.

Me: (awkward laugh) Hahaha, well, I guess I did! Silly me.

Apparently, we need to work on prepositions. That, and I have a comb-over.

Date Part 2

Student 1: Bahaha! 2019! How old will I be then?

Student 2: Whoa! I'll be 19!

Student 1: I think I'll be 21! Man, that's SO OLD!

Me: (sarcastically) Oh yeah, you'll practically be an old man walking with a cane....

Student 3: I'll be 15!

Me: You all will be 14 or 15 years old...and we obviously need to review some basic addition.

Science presentations. I told them to stand there and smile big when it wasn't their turn to talk. 
Total Mastery.


Me: Everyone ready to sing the 8's multiplication song?

Class: YEAH!

(student raises hand)

Me: Yes?

Student: Isn't this the 8's song?

Me: Yes, that's what I said.

Student: Then why did you write 8 x 1 = 6?

Me: Did I? Well, I guess I did! I think maybe YOU should be the teacher instead of me!

In my defense, I'm more of a words-girl than a numbers-girl. Except in this last scenario. This one made me feel like I should turn in my notice to free up my spot for someone more qualified!


Me: ...and there is a line for you to write your favorite animal...

(student raises hand)

Me: Yes?

Student: Ms. Christine, how do you spell chihuahua?

Me: Chihuahua?, that's not right...c-h-i... You know what? Just spell it the best you can, I'll know what you mean.

How could something so delicious be a crime?!

They are each so special and unique, and I feel blessed to be a part of their lives in such a formidable time.

Would you say a special prayer that the weather would cool off enough for them to focus more in class? It's been ridiculously warm for the past while, and it seems like the result is extra squirmy students. It's hard for them to focus when they are hot and sweaty, and when they have a hard time focusing, they have a hard time learning!