Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Praise Him!

God. Is. So. Good.

 (When I say 'God,' I'm referring to the God-Head, the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.)

He doesn't leave me where I am but continues to let me know Him deeper.

He doesn't leave me alone but promises to always be with me.

He could teach me all I need to know all on His own, but He blesses me with relationships with other believers who instruct, encourage, challenge, and confirm His heart.

He is patient with me as I screw up.

He is kind to remind me what He has saved me from and how He has grown me.

He gives me good gifts and is teaching me to be generous.

He restores the joy of my salvation.

He's given me citizenship in a Kingdom that is yet to come.

He gives me hope not only for the here-and-now, but that after my 'X' number of years on Earth are over, there is something even better waiting.

He loves me intimately as a lover.

He is the kind Father.

He died in my place.

 His blood covers me in such a way that He only sees white when He looks at me.

He prays for me.

He delights Himself in my praise.

Psalm 115:1
"Not to us, O Lord, not to us
but to Your Name be the glory,
because of Your love and faithfulness."

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder. He is our everything!
    btw steph showed me your comment last night...we refer to him as LB (linebacker) now cause he has gotten so big!
