Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Republica Dominicana, Aqui Voy! (Dominican Republic, Here I Come!)

After a summer spent seeking out just what my Heavenly Father has in store for my next little bit of life, we have come to a conclusion! Drum roll please.....badadadada....I'M GOING BACK TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!

At the beginning of the summer, I started a journal to really keep track of this little piece of the journey. I thought through how I'm wired, the gifts and talents I've been given, and how each one of things that make me 'me' are meant to bring Jesus glory. He has spoken loud and clear through His Word, prayer, circumstances, and others, and has told me it's time to live on the crazy side and walk a life of faith.

Therefore,I will be heading out at the end of the month to be the English and Reading teacher at Ciudad de Luz (City of Light) Christian School in the same town where I have lived for the past 2 years. My students will range from grades 1-4 and I'll be teaching during the afternoon session (kids go to school either in the morning or the afternoon). My commitment will only be for this school year to begin with, and probably sometime next spring, I'll evaluate and decide if I need to stay or return to the US.

I COVET your prayers as I get ready to make the move! I'm not going with an organization this time, so there are a lot more details for me to process and think through. Some specific things you could pray for include:

  • thanking the Lord that He already has every detail lined up and taken care of!
  • a place to live
  • my students, their families, and my co-workers seeing the love of Jesus pouring out of me
  • the transition back to the hot hot weather
  • becoming involved as a monthly financial sponsor
Yeah, yeah, I tried to be sneaky with that last bullet :o)

But seriously, I do need some people to commit to one time gifts or being monthly sponsors. I will be making a Dominican school teacher salary, a.k.a $120 per month. This is less than half of what I will monetarily need on a monthly basis. I actually think this was the biggest thing for me to work through and accept, but the Lord has been so faithful to both speak to me through His Word and people regarding His provision. If it's something you'd be interested in, just give me a holler at or call the house at 865-977-8122 and I'd be glad to talk details with ya :o)

Thank you all for the interest you have shown in me and what's next in my life. I'll be keeping everyone posted as much as possible and look forward to bringing you all along for the ride!


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